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Monday, August 07, 2017

Support BDS? Then be prepared to really boycott Israel!

Over the years there have been no lack of catchy YouTube videos and emails pointing out all the Israeli medical, scientific and technical inventions and innovations... and how if the haters were really serious about boycotting everything Israeli, their lives would be rather primitive, and likely significantly shorter.

Yesterday, it was announced that Palestinian 'diplomat' Saeb Erekat, one of the most strident Israel-bashers, and disseminators of blood libels* and lies about Israel, had requested to be placed on the waiting list to receive a lung transplant in Israel.

Let's pause a moment to let that register.

Here is a guy who has made a career out of trying to vilify and isolate Israel through calls to boycott diplomatic, commercial, educational and medical cooperation with the Jewish State.  

Yet now that a lifetime of heavy smoking has caught up with him, he fully expects that the very Israeli medical establishment that he has tried to strangle, and which he has accused of illegal organ trafficking (and even of having killed Palestinians in order to harvest their organs!), will let bygones be bygones and give him a new lease on life.

The crazy thing is that he will probably get his wish.

For decades the powerful and wealthy among our enemies have been quietly sending their family members to Israel for life-saving surgeries and treatments.  Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas sent his wife's brother to Israel for life-saving heart surgery [source].  Hamas leader and former Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh sent his sister's husband to Israel for life-saving surgery [source].  Senior Hamas member Nayef Rajoub received spinal surgery in Tel Aviv.  Last year a member of the Bahraini royal family came to Israel for life-saving surgery [source].

The list, like the hypocrisy, goes on and on.

However, unlike many of the other medical treatments that Israel has offered to those calling for our isolation and destruction, the pending transplant requested by Saeb Erekat is slightly different in that it requires more than just skilled surgeons and world-class hospitals; it also requires a donor.

Therefore, in addition to sending a formal letter of protest to Israeli Minister of Health, Yakov Litzman and the National Transplant Center (you can click on those links to be able to send your own emails of protest), I have taken my Adi Donor card out of my wallet and locked it away in my safe.  I have also given clear instruction to my wife and family that in the case of my untimely demise, I do not authorize the harvesting and donation of any of my organs so long as Erekat remains a potential recipient.

This parasitic behavior must stop.  The very definition of a parasitism is when one entity benefits at the expense (and to the detriment) of another.  So long as our enemies portray their struggle for a Palestinian state as a zero sum game where one side can only gain at the expense of an equal loss on the part of the other side, anything that is done to benefit the Palestinians can only hurt Israel.

The world is silent when the Palestinians make cynical use of ambulances to transport fighters and weapons, and hospitals to house their military headquarters.  I won't remain silent while this scumbag incites terrorists to kill Israelis with the full expectation that his own life will be saved by an Israeli donor, surgeon and hospital.

If someone wants to talk about peaceful coexistence, you know where to find me.  But if you call yourself my blood enemy, don't come to me for a donation.


* During the Second Intifada, Erekat called the IDF operation to uproot the terror infrastructure in the town of Jenin a "massacre" and a "war crime", alleging in interviews to multiple international media outlets that Israel had killed more than 500 Palestinians in the Jenin refugee camp. After the incident was investigated, it was determined that the Palestinian death toll was between 53 and 56, mostly combatants. [source]

Posted by David Bogner on August 7, 2017 | Permalink


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Jeebuz, I can picture the scenario: God forbid, there's a terror attack by a Palestinian Arab and a healthy person dies. And Erekat gets that person's lungs. What's to prevent them from perpetrating even more attacks *in order* to increase the changes of a donor? Nononononono. Thank you for letting us know about this. My Adi and HODS cards are getting codicils.

Posted by: Alissa | Aug 7, 2017 9:03:08 PM

Great idea and kol hakavod. This is beyond chutzpah.

Posted by: SaraK | Aug 16, 2017 9:01:28 PM

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