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Thursday, March 26, 2015
Consistency Please
Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of State called Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad "a brutal dictator"
For the people of Israel, this statement is of great concern and may require that we reassess our relationship with the U.S. in light of statements Kerry made this past week that "it would be necessary to negotiate with the Syrian President". [source]
While Israel remains committed to its close cooperation and security ties with the U.S., we can't be expected to ignore this kind of troubling inconsistency.
Israel expects the U.S. to live up to its previous commitments to engage with President Assad, and we find Mr. Kerry's recent statements both alarming and unhelpful.
If the U.S. expects Israel to continue with intelligence and security cooperation in the region, we may have to work behind the scenes to effect a change in the current make-up of the U.S. government.
Seem's harsh, snarky and unreasonable?
Turn it around and (for a change) hold the Obama / Kerry anti-Israel parade to realistic standards of behavior.
Enough with the well-coordinated daily leaks and accusations from the White House designed to harm Israel and damage the relationship with the U.S..
Enough with Obama trying to outdo the UN in disproportionate focus on the Middle East's only democracy while the rest of the region quite literally burns.
Enough with U.S. attempts to interfere with Israel's internal democratic electoral mechanisms.
Israel is a sovereign country whose elections and internal politics the U.S. has deliberately and overtly tried to subvert through direct funding and the deployment of political activists. Luckily, the U.S. Senate has launched a bipartisan investigation into this unprecedented attempt to violate an ally's sovereignty. [source]
I think the best summary of the 'historic mistakes' made by the Obama administration was delivered by the Junior United States Senator from the State of Florida:
And even in the White House Press Room, the current U.S. adminstration is starting to get 'uncomfortable' questions from the likes of the Associated Press:
Still here? If you still think that Obama's blitz on Netanyahu's inconsistency is reasonable, perhaps we need to begin examining Obama's inconsistency regarding Israel:
Posted by David Bogner on March 26, 2015 | Permalink
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did you see the latest turn of the screw by the US releasing the informatiom about the Israeli nuclear program. maybe they should release the information on Pollard'a indictment.
Posted by: dave | Mar 26, 2015 3:32:07 PM
If the US hadn`t been so obvious in interfering in the Israeli Elecetions,and if Herzog had shown more independence in his stance with regard to the US,he might be leading the current coalition talks instead of observing them from the outside. Weakness and indecision in the ME is always fatal.
Posted by: Ed | Mar 28, 2015 12:57:47 AM
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