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Monday, September 01, 2014

When someone else says it better, I just shut up and listen

Quite honestly, this is absolutely the best written, most clearly reasoned and supported explanation for the media's (and as a result, the worlds') obsessive focus on Israel to the exclusion of nearly everything else going on in the world.  

Best of all, it comes from a media insider who knows where the bodies are buried and isn't afraid to name names.

If you read nothing else today, this week or this month... read this! It is in three sections (the navigation isn't immediately obvious).  Read the whole thing!

Don't thank me... I'm a giver.


    Hat tip to reader 'Rich' who left the link for me in a comment.

Posted by David Bogner on September 1, 2014 | Permalink


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David, It is rare that someone says it better than you.

Posted by: antares | Sep 1, 2014 1:30:05 PM

Coverage is a weapon to be placed at the disposal of the side they like.

This is the reason I no longer read newspapers or listen to broadcast news. Each one has a bias, and each one pushes an agenda.

I get the news I need on the weather report.
I get all the news I need on the weather report.
―Paul Simon

If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.
―Mark Twain

Posted by: antares | Sep 1, 2014 2:42:47 PM

Nail hit squarely on head with both today's post and the previous one. I wish I'd had them to hand yesterday whilst trying to explain to a young friend who converted from you-know-what to another faith {you never know who is listening}, that the majority of 'settlements' were not palisades defended by John Wayne, and that negotiations meant that both sides compromised.

Posted by: chairwoman | Sep 1, 2014 6:51:12 PM

Nail hit squarely on head with both today's post and the previous one. I wish I'd had them to hand yesterday whilst trying to explain to a young friend who converted from you-know-what to another faith {you never know who is listening}, that the majority of 'settlements' were not palisades defended by John Wayne, and that negotiations meant that both sides compromised.

Posted by: chairwoman | Sep 1, 2014 6:51:12 PM

Agreed - a really good piece.

Posted by: Ari | Sep 2, 2014 6:07:54 AM

The author does a good job documenting just how lopsided the coverage is, but I have another few thoughts: Journalism does drive public opinion and it has certainly magnified the notoriety of this conflict, leading many to believe that the root of all conflict in the Middle East, the world and humankind is a result of a tiny, very young, and very old country. In many cases, this unhealthy media obsession reflects the causes, concerns and biases of journalists, but it also reflects what they believe to be in the public interest. In this case, the public is very interested, and we could spend years analyzing the reasons. Briefly, I think it's 1) people perceive the stalemate as historically ironic, 2) civilians are on the front lines, 3) people love an apparent underdog, 4) good vs. evil, 5) religion, 6) schadenfreude 7) foreign aid / corrupt recipients and 8) both intellectual and ignorant anti semitism. Let's not also forget that it's in the best interest of national leaders to deflect from their own problems. What you've got then are all the elements of a good drama -- a Passion Play, if you will. It's the perfect storm. Journalists cause or exploit this. Some are earnest idiots, others are crass commercialists, knowing that their reportage will be perceived as significant or will help sell stories. And yes, many are racists to boot. So much for the supposed Jewish-controlled media.

Posted by: Ari | Sep 2, 2014 6:08:22 PM

Glad you found this. I read it last week,and along with a few others I`ve read in the last couple weeks( Forbes,Wash.Post) explains much about the recent war coverage.

Posted by: ED | Sep 2, 2014 8:54:33 PM

Good interview with Matti


Posted by: Rondo | Sep 7, 2014 5:30:22 PM

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