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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Nobody can say they weren't warned...

Although my country will likely maintain studied ambiguity over the next few days, or even weeks... there is little doubt what has happened.

Since the beginning of the current civil war in Syria, Israel made it very clear that at the first sign that Assad's regime was losing control of its weapons arsenals, or that they were facilitating weapons transfers to their Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, our armed forces would not hesitate to attack.

Over the past few weeks as the situation in Syria has started to circle the drain, the IDF home front command quietly moved several Iron Dome anti-missile batteries to the north of the country.

When the press picked up on the movement of the batteries, the government insisted that it was just a routine rotation of the systems... but anyone paying attention knew it was a pre-emptive measure in advance of a pre-emotive measure.

Something was about to happen.

This morning several international media outlets reported that Lebanon was claiming to have tracked Israeli Air Force jets overhead.

Yeah, that had to mean something.

Sure enough, now Syria is reporting that IAF jets have bombed a 'research facility' outside Damascus. More reliable sources are reporting that it was, in fact, a weapons convoy headed for Lebanon.

I'm sure there will be lots of hand-wringing at the UN over this breach of Syria's sovereignty.

Good. Let 'em scream and carry on all they want. Nobody can say they weren't warned.


Posted by David Bogner on January 30, 2013 | Permalink


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"In related news, the United Nations passed a resolution thanking Israel for its action in destroying several Syrian weapons labs, possibly helping to reduce the number of civilian deaths arising from the Assad regime's attacks on its own citizens.

"In unrelated news, the Sun rose in the West today, breaking with long-standing tradition and all the laws of physics."

Posted by: Elisson | Feb 6, 2013 7:43:07 PM

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