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Monday, August 08, 2011

Sucks to have your trailer towed, huh?

I had to chuckle when I read an article about the Tel Aviv municipality removing a trailer (caravan) set up by the leadership of the tent protest movement.
First off, the quotes were priceless:

​"Gilad Erditi from the University of Tel Aviv student union said that the [installation of the trailer] was meant to protest Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's establishment of a multiple cabinet member team to examine the social issues addressed by the movement."

Um, I kinda thought that having the Prime Minister of the country set up a committee composed of some of the most powerful people in the government to find a solution to the issues being protested was a good sign.  It means he is taking the protests seriously, no?  What did you expect, that he would wave his magic welfare wand and every 21 year old college student would suddenly be able to afford a big apartment in North Tel Aviv?  

​"Deputy head of the National Student Union, Ofri Raviv, said Monday that the trailer was set up in order to send the message to Netanyahu that "the struggle is not over. We are protesting the committee that he set up in order to kill time; by setting up this trailer in order to show that we are not going anywhere.""

See, the funny thing is that in democracies, the Prime Minister isn't supposed to act by himself and issue decrees and orders (i.e. Rule by fiat).  He is the leader of a coalition full of elected parties; the ministers of which (at very least) need to be consulted... and ideally involved in finding a solution to the problems being highlighted by the protesters.  
I think perhaps young Ofri has Israel confused with some of the dictatorial regimes in the neighborhood.  That's the problem with hardcore lefties.  They are all about rights, democracy and due process.  Until, that is, they want something really bad... and then they are all about appointing a leader who is willing to short-circuit the checks and balances, and break a few eggs in order to deliver the desired omelets.  I think that's called Bolshevism.
Bottom line, there is no secret stash of rainbow dust or unicorn farts that the Prime Minister can tap into in order to make housing and the cost of living more affordable overnight.  If there was an easy fix, I'm sure the Kadima government could/would have made everything right when they were in power. [~cough~]
Besides, while the cost of living is high here (largely due to the defense and welfare burdens), thanks mostly to the prudent decisions made by Netanyahu when he was Ariel Sharon's Finance Minister (decisions that were loudly protested by many of the same welfare cheerleaders), Israel's economy is the envy of the world right now.  Unemployment is hovering just over 5% , all of the other indicators are extremely strong/stable, and nobody is about to downgrade our credit rating (much less need to bail us out).
But what really cracks me up is that these moonbats who are angry over their caravan being removed by the government seem completely unaware of the irony of the situation.  
They set up a caravan to protest not being able to afford to live anywhere they chose.
The settlers set up caravans to protest not being able to chose to live anywhere they can afford.
What they have in common is that, no matter why/what you are protesting, the bottom line is that it totally sucks when the government comes and tows away your trailer.
[Afterthought: The only difference is that when it happens to the settlers, it usually happens on Friday night when the family inside is asleep... and the eviction is carried out using needless violence by the police's 'Yassam' unit.]

Posted by David Bogner on August 8, 2011 | Permalink


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This is great David! Thanks.
Have a meaningful and easy fast.

Posted by: Leora H | Aug 8, 2011 3:00:19 PM

Leora H... Thanks Leora. You too.

Posted by: treppenwitz | Aug 8, 2011 4:19:37 PM

Do Israelis understand what`s happened in close neighbor Greece? Israel doesn`t have the Euro and the big EU to rescue it like Greece. I hope the government keeps this in mind as it tries to deal with the current crisis.

Posted by: ED | Aug 8, 2011 6:04:58 PM

"See, the funny thing is that in democracies, the Prime Minister isn't supposed to act by himself and issue decrees and orders (i.e. Rule by fiat)."

We have a similar problem with those poorly educated in the US systems of government here, as well.

Even Mr. Obama has to defend himself from his worship-- ERRRR admirers:

"When I said 'change we can believe in' I didn't say 'change we can believe in tomorrow.' Not change we can believe in next week. We knew this was going to take time because we've got this big, messy, tough democracy"


Posted by: Wry Mouth | Aug 8, 2011 6:25:39 PM

I guess they never heard the saying:
Those who live in glass caravans...

Posted by: Batya | Aug 8, 2011 7:46:20 PM

Trepp... you cut off the newspaper quote too soon. It read:

Gilad Erditi from the University of Tel Aviv student union said that the move was meant to protest Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's establishment of a multiple cabinet member team to examine the social issues addressed by the movement.

Erditi said the move showed that "the protest is far from over. We plan to stay in tents for a long time and, because of this, we decided to upgrade our infrastructure."

Dude, they just towed your "upgraded infrastructure" away on a flat bed truck!!

Posted by: ProphetJoe | Aug 8, 2011 8:50:48 PM

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