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Saturday, August 08, 2009

Maybe it's just that I miss my children...

... but every time I'm in Mumbai and drive past a particular intersection, I am moved to tears by a piece of modern sculpture*.  It is a fairly abstract rendering of a mother and child which takes its title from a quote given by famous Indian Columnist, Vithal Venkatesh Kamat:

"A child gives birth to a mother"

The first time I saw it and read the quote, I didn't quite get it.  But after a few minutes of it swirling around my head (plenty of room for that), I realized that it is only the existence of the child that creates a mother (and/or father, of course).

Like I said at the outset, maybe it's because I miss my children, or maybe it's because I tend to spot this sculpture late in my travels in India (i.e. when I'm physically and emotionally drained).  But the idea that my children created me as a father (and Zahava as a mother) - and that they continue to create and improve us in those roles - always brings the water to my eyes.

I need to get home.

*  Zahava can attest to the fact that I normally loathe public sculpture... particularly modern/abstract art.

Posted by David Bogner on August 8, 2009 | Permalink


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Your language reminds me of the Ursula LeGuin novel Always Coming Home.

Posted by: Ben-Yehudah | Aug 8, 2009 8:21:51 PM

Picture Friday subject?

Posted by: JDMDad | Aug 9, 2009 5:25:35 AM

Children also give birth to grandparents. In three days I will leave my two-year-old granddaughter in the wilderness of Alaska. (Okay, so she'll be here at Elmendorf AFB with my son, an Air Force captain, and his charming wife -- but emotionally it feels like abandoning a helpless child in a snowy forest.) Abraham surely must have wished he could lay himself on the altar.

Posted by: Bob | Aug 9, 2009 9:31:48 AM

I went on my first business trip after my oldest was born to Disney World for a conference. There is officially nothing worse than being in Disney without your family but especially for a new father. I felt progressively worse as the trip progressed and got more and more useless 'chachkes' for my daughter that mostly made me feel better.

Posted by: Aharon Fischman | Aug 9, 2009 5:04:46 PM

David, where is the photo?

Posted by: Ilana-Davita | Aug 9, 2009 6:22:42 PM

Ilana-Davita... I was too busy trying not to be terrified by the way people drive here to take out my camera. :-)

Posted by: treppenwitz | Aug 9, 2009 9:45:45 PM

I've never been on any "away" trip, regardless of the ages of the children, that I didn't want desperately to be home with my family. C'mon home.....

...and I'm delighted to find another fan of Always Coming Home here!

Posted by: aliyah06 | Aug 10, 2009 3:13:15 PM

[the following is best appreciated if pictured being shouted by a deliriously happy, dirt-smudged, smirking, half-naked/wearing-underwear-only 5.5 year old!]

Abba's coming HOME tomorrow! Abba's coming HOME tomorrow! Abba's coming HOME tomorrow! Oh! Yeah! OH! YEAH! OH! OH! OH!YEAH!

Posted by: zahava | Aug 10, 2009 8:35:23 PM

is this it?

Posted by: Albert | Aug 11, 2009 1:17:35 AM

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