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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Purim Recap

1.  I kept to my Purim tradition of wearing pajamas and bathrobe throughout the holiday (a la Vincent "The Chin" Gigante of Greenwich Village fame).  This has provided much-needed streamlining of transitions from standing to sleeping, and from sleeping to standing.  I have to say there is something liberating about being able to wake up and go to shul on Purim morning in the same comfortable togs worn to the previous night's bacchanalia 'Tish'.

2.  Family costumes were as follows:

  • Zahava wore a 'Punjabi Suit' (Salwar kameez) I brought back for her from one of my business trips to India.  Yes, she too was essentially wearing pajamas throughout the day.
  • Ariella was a WWII-era WAC.  My mother (who, according to my calculations, was but an infant during that conflict) pronounced her both adorabe and historically accurate.
  • Gilad was a ventriloquist dummy (you know he took some ribbing about this), but refused to sit on my lap in shul.
  • Yonah was a lion (and roared fiercely at anyone who came within range of his terrible claws and teeth!)
  • Jordan was a faithful black dog, reminiscent of the classic Martha's Vineyard franchise mascot.
  • Lulu copied Jordan's costume idea, but kept breaking character to bark at real and imaginary visitors, and to chase her tail.

Pictures to be posted later (hopefully... check back in the afternoon), but don't bother looking for Zahava or Gilad.  Zahava is notoriously camera-shy, and Gilad seems to have had some sort of an allergic reaction to the face make-up his sister put on him and didn't stay in costume long enough to be photographed.


3.  My parents joined us for the traditional Purim Seudah (meal), and for desert we seem to have eaten the contents of all 167 Mishloach Manot (food gift baskets) we received over the holiday.  I feel like one of those AA members who has to walk into a meeting, place his 5 year pin on the table and admit "I've been sober since, um, [looks at watch] 9 o'clock this morning". [~hangs head~]

4.  While my downtrodden Palestinian friend Jameel was nice enough to call and wish us a happy Purim, sadly he seems to have had some trouble negotiating the countless humiliating checkpoints between his family's hovel and my community, because the much-anticipated waffles never arrived.  Thankfully I was able to subsist on the roughly 7000 calories located in each of the above-mentioned gift baskets.

Posted by David Bogner on March 11, 2009 | Permalink


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How did your bourbon supply make out during the festivities? :)

Posted by: Karl Newman | Mar 11, 2009 3:42:47 PM

Looking forwards to the pictures.

Posted by: Ilana-Davita | Mar 11, 2009 5:03:48 PM

It's a little scary that I remembered your Purim post from last year. Here's the comment I made (apparently to Zehava):

"I'm sure David looked adorable in his jammies. I just hope he had the ones without the holes on.

And I hope he brushed his teeth."

To that I'll add--hoped you changed your skivvies....

Posted by: Baila | Mar 11, 2009 5:09:27 PM

Karl Newman... I make it a practice never to drink my own liquor on Purim. :-)

Ilana-Davita ... As you wish.

Baila... First of all, all jammies have holes. A big one at the top (so you can climb in)... two smaller ones at the bottom (so your feet can poke out)... and a smaller one still at the front for writing one's name in the snow. Brushing teeth is done regularly as 'halitosis-clinic patient' is not considered a popular costume theme in most communities. Lastly, one does not wear 'skivvies' with pajamas; day or night. I think the proper term I'm looking for here is 'commando'.

Posted by: treppenwitz | Mar 11, 2009 5:36:40 PM

LOL to your "commando" Purim uniform!

...and your response to Karl shows that you have the wisdom of the ages!

Posted by: ProphetJoe | Mar 11, 2009 6:13:36 PM

Very good one! Beautiful kids.

Posted by: Ilana-Davita | Mar 11, 2009 7:52:51 PM

You can never get too many of those waffles. Love the lion costume.

Posted by: Jack | Mar 11, 2009 8:23:09 PM

One of my law professors actually prosecuted Gigante and we just read that case for Monday night, appropriately enough! :)

Very cute pictures!!!!

Posted by: Irina | Mar 11, 2009 10:02:53 PM

The kids look great :)

Posted by: SaraK | Mar 11, 2009 10:03:20 PM

Ariella looks great, and AWWWwww at the lion costume! Happy belated Purim!

Posted by: Chantal | Mar 11, 2009 11:20:32 PM

Hee hee, pajamas...

Posted by: tnspr569 | Mar 12, 2009 12:50:56 AM

I don't know who that Ginga guy is, but spending all day in pajamas sounds like Hugh Hefner...

Posted by: Marsha, in Rockland County at the moment | Mar 12, 2009 1:48:03 AM

The kids are adorable -- especially that pint-sized Bert Lahr impersonator. (I'm sure Lulu and Jordan were very convincing.)

Posted by: Bob | Mar 13, 2009 5:01:52 AM

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