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Thursday, March 05, 2009
Go Eldan!
To put the final footnote on the Eldan Saga (Part 1 and Part 2), here is the before picture of their ad (the one where they left off the Golan Heights):
And here is the ad they just started running on several web sites (including the Jerusalem Post site where I fist noticed the error):
There... isn't that better? Lots of room to stretch out... and no nosy neighbors breathing down your neck while you sail around the Kinneret.
Once again, Kol HaKavod to Eldan for being responsive to a customer complaint.
Hat Tip to Joe Settler who sent me the screen cap of the updated ad..
Posted by David Bogner on March 5, 2009 | Permalink
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I hate to tell you, but I am pretty sure that I saw the *old* version floating around a Ynet article. It literally was moving and floating, so I am not quite certain.
Posted by: Drew | Mar 5, 2009 5:40:43 PM
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