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Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wait... what?!
It is surprisingly easy to confuse the prompt; "Do you want to navigate away from this page? You have unsaved changes..." with the standard; "That file already exists, are you sure you want to replace it with... " at 5:45 AM. Trust me, I know.
I had a decent post all written, and was 99.99999% sure I'd already saved it... so when I went to navigate to a new page I assumed that the annoying beep and prompt message on my screen were just telling me that I was saving the most recent version of it. Not so much.
Anyway, after that moment of 'Wait... what did that prompt say?!', I feel like I should offer you something, seeing as you made the long trip all the way over here. So instead of a post today, you get to see a baker's dozen of the funnier [subjective!] bits of flotsam and jetsam that seem to constantly wash up in my inbox.
Don't thank me... I'm a giver:
[as always, click to embiggen]
Posted by David Bogner on February 19, 2009 | Permalink
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Well that last one is easy... duct tape... sticky side down of course.
Posted by: Devo K | Feb 19, 2009 3:04:39 PM
Hee. :)
Posted by: uberimma | Feb 19, 2009 5:38:21 PM
MacGyver? Aw, he don't have nothin' on Mr. Debonair.
Posted by: Elisson | Feb 19, 2009 7:33:09 PM
Sometimes I wonder why we bother with all this electric writing. Nothing will last very long. Think of how old the Dead Sea Scrolls were when they were found. People have black and white photos from over a hundred years ago.
Will our harddisks and cd's last another five-ten years?
Posted by: Batya from Shiloh | Feb 20, 2009 5:51:41 AM
my kids were just watching star trek this evening (part of their indoctrination by their father) and one said to the other something about the guy in the red shirt...needless to say, they will find #8 particularly amusing!
Posted by: Debbie | Feb 20, 2009 8:26:15 AM
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