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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wept with laughter

I don't care what party you support... if this doesn't crack you up you don't have a pulse.  Tina Fey nails Sarah Palin:

Hat tip Super Raizy

Posted by David Bogner on September 18, 2008 | Permalink


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That's perfect. Just perfect.

Posted by: Lena | Sep 18, 2008 4:40:34 PM

Re your previous post: Life imitating art?

Posted by: psachya | Sep 18, 2008 5:48:07 PM

I've always thought Tina Fey was lovely. The woman playing Hillary had all the best lines. "... if I had only wanted it more."

Posted by: David Bailey | Sep 18, 2008 5:55:26 PM

"if this doesn't crack you up you don't have a pulse."
or at least no sound on your computer.

Posted by: Channah | Sep 18, 2008 6:38:37 PM

i am absolutely abstaining from reading or watching anything political.
tho i will admit to watching this the other night.
cracked me up.

Posted by: weese | Sep 18, 2008 7:19:03 PM


Posted by: aliyah06 | Sep 18, 2008 8:02:25 PM

God hugging us closer. : )

Posted by: Alice | Sep 18, 2008 8:31:37 PM

Up there with Lucille Ball and Lily Tomlin.

Posted by: Ben-David | Sep 18, 2008 8:59:01 PM

I watched SNL last weekend to see how Michael Phelps would do as the host. I found him to be terrible at acting, so he should stick with the swimming. This was great, and Tina Fey looked so real that for a moment Silvi thought that she was really Sarah Palin. (Shhhh, she never watched 30 Rock)

Posted by: David S. | Sep 18, 2008 9:15:31 PM

Alice: You're right, I stand corrected. That is the funniest line in the skit.

Posted by: David Bailey | Sep 18, 2008 9:30:35 PM

Excellent, excellent, excellent. 'Nuf said.

Posted by: Lady-Light | Sep 19, 2008 9:38:40 AM

On my recent trip back to the Old Country, 30Rock was the only show I watched regularly (besides the NewsHour and the Olympic coverage)... I don't know about Clinton and Pailin, but Tina Fey has certainly proven that women can do it all - producer, writer, star of a show that had me in hysterics every time. Tina Fey for President 2012.

Posted by: A Living Nadneyda | Sep 21, 2008 1:54:26 PM

Tina Fey, like Nora Dunn, joins the list of SNL actors who are undervalued by (supposedly enlightened) fans of SNL because of their gender. Anything that gets her more "run" is welcome, in my book, despite the fact that SNL, to me, has been dead for many, many years (probably prior to the dreaded Joe Piscopo, Charles Rocket years).

And the skit itself? Verry funny. In my ideal world, where the (D) party and the (R) party were more cordial and less irrationally strident, I would have enjoyed it with unbridled mirth. But I can see the "smarm and smirk" underneath the characatures, and that detracts from the humor a bit, for me.

Apart from that internal squirm? Very well done; very well-written! Thanks for the larf!


Posted by: Wry Mouth | Sep 21, 2008 11:38:38 PM

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