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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Love takes a hit

Dear [place appropriate name here]

I find it strange when people write to say they 'love' my blog and then go on to suggest we exchange links .   Because nearly every time this happens, I go check out their site and find that, despite 'loving' my blog, they haven't linked to it. 

Are you seriously telling me you love my blog... and in fact are a huge fan... but you won't link to it unless I first link to yours?   

I guess love has really suffered some setbacks in recent years.

Recalling better times,

David Bogner
Efrat, Israel


"Laying the groundwork for an insanity defense since 1961"

Posted by David Bogner on August 13, 2008 | Permalink


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Consistency is not the best-shared quality.

Posted by: Ilana-Davita | Aug 13, 2008 2:35:02 PM

I get these all the time, but I understand why they don't have room for a link to my site, what with all the flash ads for v.i.a.g.r.a.* and all.

It's always the SPAMmiest of sites that send this, and they clearly haven't ever visited my blog.

I wonder what their linking percentage is? Or maybe they're making their money from all the people who click in response to see what their site is, and then leave before deleting the e-mail. Is that worth it for them? Three 'wtf' type clicks for every blog they e-mail?

*am not spelling this directly because I think that's why your commenting filter flagged my comment as potential comment spam! The irony!

Posted by: Juggling Frogs | Aug 13, 2008 2:36:38 PM

Is there going to be an asepha/General Assembly at the blogging conference? You know, to bring up important issues and resolutions for the upcoming year. I think this should be on the agenda.

Posted by: Benji Lovitt | Aug 13, 2008 3:29:15 PM

THIS was the rant that was under your ample posterity? Methinks not.

Posted by: asher | Aug 13, 2008 4:31:16 PM

Trepp, I love your blog. You don't have to link...just send money

Posted by: cruisin-mom | Aug 13, 2008 4:50:16 PM

I always thought that it was in bad taste to request a link. It's like inviting yourself to dinner at someone's house.

Most sites that ask for reciprocal links these days are spamblogs, AKA splogs. More linkage = more revenue. Depressing, eh?

Posted by: Elisson | Aug 13, 2008 5:09:22 PM

If I had a blog, I'd link to you, but I don't have one. Still love your blog, though.

Posted by: Maffy | Aug 13, 2008 6:36:58 PM

Maybe there should be a session at the convention as to blog etiquette. My blog roll has links to blogs I enjoy and try to comment on. I've never asked someone to return the favor--I don't think that's nice manners. I'm always happy to see my blog on someone's blog roll, though. And if I do, does that mean I should automatically put them on mine even if I don't frequent their blog to often? And how do I know if someone's linked me?

It's all so complicated...

Posted by: Baila | Aug 13, 2008 7:43:02 PM

Now I'm so glad I've been exercising restraint.
And, btw, thanks for the link ;)

Posted by: triLcat | Aug 13, 2008 9:43:46 PM

I linked you to my blog the first time I read Treppenwitz. However, as my site gets only 12 people on average a day, I don't think it will have done much for your ratings:-) Still, I guess its the thought that counts. Keep up the great work!

Posted by: Noa | Aug 13, 2008 10:31:45 PM

Freakin' goodness. This is sooooo '03.

Posted by: a. | Aug 13, 2008 11:32:56 PM

They need you more than you need them. It's like bringing coals to Newcastle.

Posted by: mata hari | Aug 14, 2008 12:29:22 AM

Noa, I get 1-3 hits a day. One is my dad who checks daily, another is a friend who lives in New Mexico. So look at it this way, you are getting 4 times the hits as me! Does that feel better? *grin* Since Treppenwitz is the blog that gave me my "I should try this too" incentive, I've linked to it from day one (in fact I think I mentioned it in my first ever post).

I believe I'm in two people's blog rolls, and get occasional hits from them, and that's fine, I don't get any money off the blog, and just do it for fun. I did get the occasional "Let's swap and increase our readership!" from people I totally don't know. That's what the delete button is for. :-)

Posted by: JDMDad | Aug 14, 2008 1:59:07 AM

Noa, I get 1-3 hits a day. One is my dad who checks daily, another is a friend who lives in New Mexico. So look at it this way, you are getting 4 times the hits as me! Does that feel better? *grin* Since Treppenwitz is the blog that gave me my "I should try this too" incentive, I've linked to it from day one (in fact I think I mentioned it in my first ever post).

I believe I'm in two people's blog rolls, and get occasional hits from them, and that's fine, I don't get any money off the blog, and just do it for fun. I did get the occasional "Let's swap and increase our readership!" from people I totally don't know. That's what the delete button is for. :-)

Posted by: JDMDad | Aug 14, 2008 2:02:13 AM

Ack!!! Sorry about that, it the browser hung the first time I tried to post. I even checked to make sure it didn't go through before retrying. Guess it went through after I checked. Can you delete one of them David? Meanwhile, 50 lashes with a wet noodle for me.

Posted by: JDMDad | Aug 14, 2008 2:05:15 AM

I found your site by accident. I have not exactly linked to it, but I enjoyed what I read and I hope you don't mind that I posted a story or two, along with your url, on the public website of a local internet newspaper (andersonfreepress.net). If you want me to remove any of your writings, I will do so immediately, please advise me ASAP.

In the meantime, I hope many will enjoy them and be led back to your site for more.



Posted by: Bardemus | Aug 14, 2008 4:40:25 AM

Ilana-Davita ... Deep. :-)

Juggling Frogs... No, this was a real (albeit very new) blog.

Benji Lovitt... There is no substitute for experience. Unfortunately, all bloggers (myself included) make all the bone headed etiquette mistakes before we have enough experience to know better. :-)

asher ... Actually, several other bloggers seem to have done a pretty good job of writing about what had me so miffed, so I may not have to post my rant. :-)

cruisin-mom ... I thought you and Mr. Cruisin' were printing your own money out there. :-)

Elisson ... Look, for many new blogs you kinda have to sniff around for people to link to you. But to ask for a link from someone (with an obvious form email) without linking to them is just plain stupid.

Maffy... And if you had a blog I'd link to it. Thanks. :-)

Baila... Don't think I haven't already got some notes prepared.

Noa... Thanks Noa. I love (and look forward to) your comments.

a.... Sadly, bad manners never seem to go out of style.

mata hari ... Well put.

JDMDad... Three

Bardemus ... I appreciate the thought, but yes, it is sort of a problem to post entire articles of mine on other sites. All my work is copyrighted and I charge a fee to several sites to repost it. If you give it away for free that sort of undermines my market value, no? You can post short teasers and links to my site are always appreciated. But reposting whole essays is a no no.

Posted by: treppenwitz | Aug 14, 2008 5:00:09 AM

If I've never seen a comment and they're not linking to my blog, odds are, they're just trying to get a link. If they comment - even if rarely - and are linking to me, I take them a bit more seriously.

Generally, I tell them that I don't "trade" links like that. I link to blogs I read (whether often or occasionally), and if your blog is good, I'll add it. So I'll often say "let me check it out for a bit" and that's the last I hear of it - or them.

Posted by: Ezzie | Aug 14, 2008 6:26:16 AM

I've linked ya without even asking for an exchange! How's that for adoration!

Posted by: Ms. Missive | Aug 14, 2008 9:12:18 AM

Is it just me or do other people get distracted by the Twitter band as they try and leave comments. Guess I have a short attention span, instead of leaving something insightful I am googling Ringo Starr.

Posted by: Jack | Aug 14, 2008 11:56:20 AM


You get plenty of Love from Da Jew:


And I quote: "Yep, its that time of the ____ again. Time to update the blogroll.

Here we go.

Long overdue, this blogger is one of the greats- Treppenwitz."

And I didn't ask for a link back either :P Am I a good boy or what?

Posted by: Jacob da Jew | Aug 14, 2008 6:28:57 PM

That's it. Now I'm going to start a blog, if only to link Treppenwitz (Actually, I got one started last night, as inspired by this post, but the problem is that I've got nothing to say). A blog by me could be a hilarious thing, and not in a flattering way. I might be forced to brush up on my interpersonal skills.

Posted by: M. Patterson | Aug 16, 2008 5:30:20 PM

I had to check my blog to see if you were there, and I indeed have had you linked for quite a while...which means I like you, I really like you! You are in the All My Best Jews category. Mostly I lurk you, I really lurk you, but sometimes you say things which compels me to comment, until I read the other comments, and then I feel somewhat sheepish about displaying my great ignorance on your site. Oh well. I still lurk you, and I really do like you, too!

Posted by: Jewel | Aug 16, 2008 6:18:14 PM

Trep -- what do you mean "several other bloggers seem to have done a pretty good job of writing about what had me so miffed, so I may not have to post my rant."?

At least include a link, so we can have a clue!

(please put it in a post, so we don't have to search through a million comments to try and find it....)

(or, if I missed it - not sure how, since I have become a fairly regular reader - I would so appreciate it if you just send me a link in an email - [email protected])

Posted by: Rivka with a capital A | Aug 17, 2008 1:34:46 AM

Ooops, are we supposed to ask or notify the writer if we link to his or her site? *eeeek* I link to yours. I don't expect you to link to mine. Is that okay?

Posted by: Kimber | Aug 17, 2008 4:01:31 AM

ok, ok, i PROMISE not to link you on my non-existent blog if you promise to post on Sunday. aren't you here in the diaspora for the express purpose of blogging? or are you posting elsewhere (NBN maybe? oh, i'll run over there right now and check). or maybe you are embedded deep undercover in Teaneck with your aliya subjects and don't want to risk exposure by getting on the computer?

looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Posted by: Debbie | Aug 17, 2008 6:18:26 AM

So, am I to take that as a no?

Posted by: Bob | Aug 18, 2008 2:28:20 AM

like what ms missive said! (i linked unconditionally!)
kol tuv

Posted by: ravaj | Aug 19, 2008 7:35:15 AM

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