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Monday, June 30, 2008

Woke up late

Thank you all for such great feedback yesterday on the whole profanity thing (the poll will remain open until midnight tonight, so if you haven't provided your responses... feel free).  It has helped me gain a much better understanding of who is coming here to read and what their expectations are.  I honestly don't anticipate changing the way I write... much.  It's just nice to know who I'm writing for.

I woke up late this morning so I'm sorry to say you're stuck with yet another picture.  This one comes to us via the world's most prolific blogging anesthesiologist; Book of Joe

Apparently there is much money to be made betting friends and colleagues that the two table-tops pictured below have identical measurements and surface area.  Don't believe me?  Measure them or put a piece of paper over one... trace the outline... and then lay it over the second.


Weird, huh?

Apparently there is some scientific explanation for why your mind has such problems with this.  Go over and check out the explanation for yourselves.  He knows about this stuff.  After all... he's a doctor.

Posted by David Bogner on June 30, 2008 | Permalink


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FYI -- The Bloomfield science museum in Jerusalem has, among other things, a nice exhibit on optical illusions that includes this one. Our kids love the place!

Posted by: Jonathan | Jun 30, 2008 4:48:42 PM

Optical illusions are a fascinating field of study, and computerized tech has gotten to the point where we can make some pretty incredible ones. This remains my all-time favorite contemporary optical illusion (print it out and see for yourself!).

Posted by: efrex | Jun 30, 2008 4:52:55 PM

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