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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Sandman sends pictures

Yesterday I posted some of our vacation pics and alluded to the fact that on one of the days we were privileged to tour a Nabatean ruin in the Negev with none other than the Sandman and his family.

Apparently in addition to passing some mean gas (he's an anesthesiologist... what did you think I meant?!) the Sandman is also an accomplished photographer.  Here are some shots he took:

First is a picture of us kicking back while the Belly dancer performs:


Here are Ari and Gili enjoying some fresh squeezed grapefruit juice:


And just to prove that it wasn't only the men who were leering at the belly dancer, here is proof that there were a few appreciative women in the audience:


Apparently, the Sandman is a giver too!  Who knew?  :-)

Posted by David Bogner on April 29, 2008 | Permalink


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What's on the hat?

Posted by: Karl Newman | Apr 29, 2008 12:01:41 PM

Great pics - Zahava - you don't look old enough to have two teenagers - what is your secret?

Btw, I've noticed that in both pictures you are wearing long sleeves - is it considered too immodest to wear short sleeves (not cap), especially when hiking and when the weather is so hot? The modern orthodox community I'm associated with is very different - so I'm just curious?

Posted by: jaime | Apr 29, 2008 3:31:18 PM

I don't know about Zahava, but here in Texas, I recently spent a day in short sleeves and ended up with a sunburn. I would think in the desert, long sleeves would be a good idea, especially for someone with fair skin.

Posted by: Channah | Apr 29, 2008 3:59:54 PM

Looks like you all had a great Pesach! B"H, ours was nice, also...WAY cooler than yours (we had to turn the heat on in the house for the last days!).
Do you or Zahava have email addresses I could write to?
We'll be in touch via phone soon.
All the best,
Peggy (and Avi)

Posted by: Peggy Schwarzmer | Apr 29, 2008 6:47:41 PM

Jaime: I think the Sandman must have graciously airbrushed away the dainty "smile lines", and my מתפחת (mitpachat/kerchief) mercifully covers my gray! :-)

Re: the long sleeves, my skin is -- as my dermatologist puts it -- "a very special" glow-in-the-dark brand of white! While I can achieve quite the dark tan after burning to a shade of crimson that puts pomegranates to shame, the 2.5 weeks of recovering from sun poisoning and blisters makes it less of a thing I'd consider doing often.

I slather myself in sunscreen and have found that light gauzy cottons greatly reduce the "fry zone" without increasing my body temperature. As it was, the day we went to Wadi Kelt, I got quite the burn on all parts of exposed flesh....

While the tzniut thing is of some consideration for me (I do wear short sleeves if they approach the elbow), in the strong sun, it is really more about trying to increase the long-term survival rate of my delicate skin.

Posted by: zahava | Apr 29, 2008 8:59:54 PM

Come to think of it, traditional Middle Eastern/North African dress consists of garments that cover most of the body, serving as protection from the sun. Long sleeves in the desert aren't uncommon at all.

Posted by: Karl Newman | Apr 29, 2008 10:59:01 PM

I worked in agriculture during my student days. I always wore long sleeves and long pants for working in the hot Negev sun. I ended up less dehydrated than my short sleeved friends who thought I was nuts.
The Bedouin (who know a thing or two about the heat) have a saying: "What keeps you warm in winter will keep you cool in summer".

Posted by: QuietusLeo | Apr 29, 2008 11:18:42 PM

Zahava - when you are 80 years old you will look gorgeous with flawless skin because you are keeping it out of the sun. My aunt never goes out, is in her 80's and I think her skin is more subtle, flawless, and practically wrinkle free.

Go girl with taking care of yourself. More of us women should be doing it!

Posted by: jaime | Apr 30, 2008 3:05:12 AM


Remember me? You look exactly as you looked at Camp Givah back in the 1980s. Kol Hakavod to you and your family and your aliyah!

Posted by: Steve Susswein | May 10, 2008 12:05:22 AM


Posted by: zahava | May 11, 2008 8:32:16 AM

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