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Monday, October 29, 2007

The best beer glasses to toast the best team

I don't know whether I'm happier for the Red Sox or for myself now that I can actually get a full night's sleep!  Let's just call it a draw and leave it at that.

But we can't really leave it at that, now can we?  This calls for some sort of celebration.

There's nothing like a pizza party to celebrate the World Series Champs... complete with lots of toppings, soda and beer.  And it just so happens that I have some Boddington's set aside for just such an occasion...


... and thanks to one of my daily reads, I have the prefect glasses from which to drink this creamy amber nectar.

Here's the deal:

I have frequently encouraged you to visit the quality website of, if not the only blogging anesthesiologist, then without question the best; Book of Joe.

This past May, Dr. Joe ran his second write-up on what he (and the New York Times) insisted were, without a doubt, the best beer glasses ever (not to be confused with beer goggles).  I figure if Joe felt strongly enough about something to mention it twice, it was worth looking into.

Knowing how you are loathe to actually follow a link, let me save you some lifting and share everything you really need to know about these incredible glasses:

The local beer, Kölsch, is brewed only in the Cologne region and must not only conform to the German Beer Purity Act of 1516 but must also be served only in these special slim, graceful 1/5 litre (6.8 fl. oz.) glasses called "stangen" (rods).


These are the champagne flutes of the beer world, only 2" in diameter and just shy of 6-1/2" tall.

Their appeal comes not only from their history and their classic design but also from the thin (0.040") sidewall glass; it is like drinking from fine porcelain or crystal.

They are suited to any tall, cool drink.

With a 3/8" thick bottom they are both stable and sturdy, yet only half the weight of usual glasses of the same volume.


We have had these under test for over 20 years and find their look and performance to be just right.

Needless to say I simply had to have these... so you can can imagine my delight when Joe shared the good news that these light, elegant glasses are just $8.95 a dozen!  That's right... that works out to about 75 cents apiece!! 

After using these glasses at home, and also giving a dozen to my parents as a housewarming gift (I know... can you believe what a sport I am?!), I have to tell you that these are the kind of glasses that would make even typical Yankee or Jets fans involuntarily extend their pinkies while drinking, and mutter unfamiliar words like 'please' and 'thank you' to whoever was providing them with shelter, televised entertainment and liquid refreshment.

Go buy some now...  You can have them in time for your Super Bowl party! 

And ferkripessake, start reading Book of Joe already!  I can't keep ripping off his ideas telling you about his neat posts all the time!

Posted by David Bogner on October 29, 2007 | Permalink


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I am offended by the "...would make even typical Yankee or Jets fans involuntarily extend their pinkies while drinking." comment.

I can't speak for Jets fans, but I certainly have a great deal of class [said with quiet dignity].

Isn't it time you took a nap, anyway?

Posted by: Baila | Oct 29, 2007 11:02:43 AM

Hmmmm.... me thinks the lack of sleep has sent you to too "Zen" a place! :-) Toast vs. Taost...

Posted by: zahava | Oct 29, 2007 11:27:26 AM

mmmmm.... must..... stop......drool....... eh?

Posted by: david | Oct 29, 2007 11:58:57 AM

Baila... No need to take offense. You're clearly not a 'typical' Yankees or Jets fan. :-)

zahava... Hmmm, we've been married for, what, like 16 years. Right? Did I eve mention that my dyslexia is especially problematic when I'm tired. I'm just sayin'.

david... You should order a couple of dozen for your lift.

Posted by: treppenwitz | Oct 29, 2007 2:00:59 PM

Grudgingly and thru clenched teeth... congratulations to your WORLD CHAMPION Red Sox team!

ah.. now onto the College hoops season! :) WOOHOO!

Posted by: Val | Oct 29, 2007 3:26:21 PM

Boston fans and beer....


*shakes head in dismay* >:o

Posted by: Karl Newman | Oct 29, 2007 4:39:12 PM

Congrats on winning the "World" Series.

Boddies is pretty good beer - how did you develop your taste for it - I can't recall your spending time in Manchester!

I like the idea of the glasses but 1/5 of a litre is just not right. Beer is best when served in pint glasses - 1/5 is only just more than 1/3 of a pint - it wouldn't feel right!

Posted by: Gilly | Oct 29, 2007 4:52:04 PM

Ah, but see the problem lies in the type of beer you're drinking. While I do love a nice Boddingtons, it must be poured a certain way, much like a can of Guinness. Listen to the Irish girl David. You open the can, then place a pint glass over top of it. Then you grasp the glass and can and immediately flip it over, so the beer chugs into the glass. The point of doing this is to create a full, creamy head. The whole thing will fit in the pint, just perfectly.

Now I know that the point of the beer it to drink it, so I guess as long as it gets drunk, the task is complete. But to drink a pub ale in something other than a pint glass seems.....wrong!

Now, aside from my rant, I must say those glasses look very cool and I think my husband might need some for his birthday. And when I heard the Sox won, I thought of you and figured it was probably a lovely way to start off your day. I must say, they hold a special place in my heart. Why I don't know, because I'm from Cincinnati originally, but there's something about the Red Sox that just makes me want to root for them.

Posted by: Fran | Oct 29, 2007 7:53:31 PM

Re: Book of Joe

I found 'Book of Joe' through this website. Today, it tops my list of morning reads.

Posted by: antares | Oct 30, 2007 12:44:12 AM

Val... I'm impressed! You've come a long way. :-)

Karl Newman... Now now, Karl. You need to look at the big picture. Obviously ANY violence/arrests are a shame, but less than 20 arrests out of the millions of fans who were celebrating the win? Not bad, if you ask me. In a college town like Boston where there are a lot of kids who barely need an excuse to drink to excess and take to the streets, I'm impressed that there was so little unrest.

Gilly... Thanks Gilly. I first discovered Boddies quite by accident. I had been drinking Guinness from the cans with the 'widget' for a few months and started looking around to see if any other beers featured this little device (it is a tiny gas capsule that only puts the bubbles in the beer when you open the can). One of the few I found was Boddingtons. It was love at first sip. And while I agree with you that a pint glass feels much more natural... so do the jeans in my closet that I can no longer fit into. Better to have a 'small one' with dinner than give up beer altogether, no?

Fran... Thanks. BTW, see my comment to GIlly about the cans of Boddies with the widget inside. You need to pour it more carefully as the gas is released only when you open the can. It is like a freshly pulled draft and builds (and holds) a head quite nicely.

antares... If Joe is half as good an anesthesiologist as he is a blogger, he can 'pass gas' for me anytime!

Posted by: treppenwitz | Oct 30, 2007 9:42:53 AM

I'm just glad it's over--while I'm thrilled for the Sox (being a former Bostonian in childhood) I would like to have an evening where my husband actually realizes I'm in the same room with him.....

Posted by: aliyah06 | Oct 30, 2007 9:54:23 AM

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