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Friday, June 29, 2007

Please don't...

I must have some nerve passing out advice about blogging considering the hap-hazard, slipshod way in which this site evolved into the unwieldy mess you see before you. 

Looking back, I seem to have made pretty much every mistake possible... and would probably do most things differently if I ever had the chance to take a ride in Mr. Peabody's Wayback Machine.  But I don't have that chance... so I have just a couple of words of advice for all the new and would-be bloggers out there. 

[Note: This isn't about content, publicity, linking or the frequency at which you post.  I think I managed to beat those horses quite thoroughly to death over here.  No, the scope of today's advice will be limited to titles, taglines and templates.  Also, if you are a blogger and are doing everything that I advise against here, and still getting stellar results... good for you!]

OK, here we go...

First and foremost, try to select a somewhat original title for your blog.  I'm going to start by picking on my good friend Jack for the title he selected:

'Random Thoughts' 

Now, how many blogs do you think there are out there with that very same title?  Trust me when I tell you that it is only Jack's fine writing and prolific output that keep his nose above the flood-waters of the other gazillion sites with the same title (or some variation thereof). 

Next, humor is good... especially the self-deprecating kind... in a blog's title and/or tag line, but certainly isn't required.  But when picking a title and/or tagline, please do try to make sure that one or both are at least somewhat memorable.  For example, avoid words like 'musings', 'ramblings' and 'rantings' unless, like Jack, you are willing to invest Herculean effort into pulling yourself up out of the quicksand of other blogs who have chosen those same words to describe whatever it is they think they are doing.

Oh, I just thought of one more word to avoid; 'ruminations'.  This may be just a silly prejudice of mine, but every single time I see a blog title or tag line that contains the word 'ruminations', I picture the author standing in the middle of a meadow staring at me with vacant bovine eyes and chewing his/her cud.  Yes, 'ruminations' and 'ruminant' are linguistically related... and if I can't get past your banner without visualizing you midway through the messy half of a two-stage digestion process... I'm probably not going to visit your site very often.

Next, get thee out from under the tyrannical thumb of the standard template.  Even if you only change the color scheme or add a picture or graphic to the 'about me' corner of your page... make the effort to distinguish yourself just a little bit from the billions and billions of other stars twinkling in the blogosphere sky.

One of the reasons I don't avail myself of the convenient blogreaders and feeds is that I have a terrible memory.  I need the visual reference of seeing a blog's color scheme and graphics to remind myself who it is I'm reading.  Trust me, if Shakespeare had used the standard blogger template and color scheme to publish his oeuvre, he would have died in obscurity.

In fact, I can honestly say that the point at which treppenwitz turned a corner in terms of traffic and regular visitors was after I added the nifty custom banner you see up there at the top of the page (thanks honey!).  Of course, if the content sucks, no amount of lipstick is going to make the pig look more attractive. 

And last but not least (for now), look at your site using different browsers to make sure it loads and displays properly in most, if not all, of the tools your readers might be using.   If you encounter a problem with a particular browser, you may have to make a decision based on how many people are using that browser.

For instance, I know that treppenwitz loads well in most browsers but is a disaster on WEB TV.  A little tinkering around made the WEB TV users happy but made my site unreadable for everyone using Firefox,Opera, Safari and IE.  So since there were less than three people left in the world using WEB TV to surf the Net (two of whom were treppenwitz readers), it didn't make sense to mess up the way the site would load in the popular browsers. 

If you want to do a quick and easy check of other browsers, go here and type in your blog's URL.  It will give you a snapshot of the front page as it loads in most of the browsers out there.  Be patient... it can take up to 30 minutes to get your results so bookmark the page and come back to check.

Anyhoo, that's about enough damage for one day.  As always, don't thank me... I'm a giver.

Posted by David Bogner on June 29, 2007 | Permalink


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Great advice. Too bad I don't know how to do any of the things you're talking about. I'm just a country lawyer who can barely turn on his computer.

Posted by: mochassid | Jun 29, 2007 4:24:46 PM

Oh, Trep,

The moment you said the word "ruminations", I had a vision of the movie "The Pentagon Wars". Highly recommended, if you get the chance.

And in case you think my response to every situation is a movie line, you're wrong. We haven't even started on the Jimmy Buffett lines yet.

Posted by: dfb1968 | Jun 29, 2007 6:22:04 PM

I'm in line behind MOChassid. Ms. Tech Challenged here needed help from Shayna Galyan just to set her blogroll! I'm petrified to try a new template, less I lost half my links in the process.

Posted by: Shira Salamone | Jun 29, 2007 8:26:30 PM

Er, make that "Sheyna."

Posted by: Shira Salamone | Jun 29, 2007 8:28:15 PM

I think I should make my color scheme a little less standard and a little more memorable! ; )

Posted by: Irina | Jun 30, 2007 7:47:14 AM

Trust me, if Shakespeare had used the standard blogger template and color scheme to publish his oeuvre, he would have died in obscurity.


Posted by: Account Deleted | Jun 30, 2007 2:23:22 PM

The following blogger in his list of the top 8 lies as number 2 that Hitler was evil. Mind you he isn't a White NeoNazi but some guy from India.


Posted by: Matt | Jun 30, 2007 9:16:54 PM

If you really,really cared about your WEB TV readers you would create an RSS or XML feed for them to use in their back-@$$ed system.

Posted by: JoeSettler | Jun 30, 2007 9:37:43 PM


Don't fret about Born_A_Libran (BAL). His rant reads like the self-absorbed coffeehouse chatter we all indulged in back in college. (There's a time and a place for everything: college!)

I figure BAL is under 25, has a high IQ, and has made the juvenile mistake of thinking that youth and smarts trumps experience and wisdom. Note he has only two links in his rant; the first is http://www.petersmap.com/ the Peters Projection, which is just as distorted as the Mercator but the Peters bias favors Africa; the second is http://www.darwindating.com/ the website that provides "Online dating for beautiful people" (their words). This means he is pontificating rather than putting together cogent arguments, giving us poor benighted peons the benefits of his smarts. Wow! Aren't you grateful? I know I am. Grateful that I can go to another site. Grateful that India respects freedom of speech, even from narcissistic fools such as BAL. And very saddened that the blogosphere lost the fine blogger Sandmonkey due to the Egyptians repressing bloggers there.

Notice his rant about democracy. "[V]ery few people from the upper echelons of the society will get to have a say in the direction that the country takes or it's (sic) policies." To me, it seems reasonable to conclude that BAL considers himself one of "the upper echelons of society" and is frelling upset that India en masse has not recognized his overpowering brilliance and elected him President for Life. World's gonna be a better place when BAL runs things, gotta tell ya. Bet he even makes the trains run on time. Just like Mussolini.

Tell you what, Matt. Judge this guy all you want. I do. But let's not condemn him. Everyone demands justice when the other guy is standing in the dock, but when it's our turn, we beg for mercy.

You know, I wouldn't spend 5 seconds listening to this guy's rants in a coffeehouse, but I will fight and kill and sacrifice my own life to assure him the right to rant.

Posted by: antares | Jun 30, 2007 10:23:57 PM

Well, I was close. Born_A_Libran is 28 and a grad student in the US. Some just don't grow up.

Posted by: antares | Jun 30, 2007 10:38:10 PM

I would also add one more thing: Resist the urge to use wacky color combinations that make the text hard to read. It might look like an awesome peice of art ~ but the eyestrain will trump art every time! :)

Oh. One more thing. Uh oh.

Refrain from the "tagging" games. "I tag the five best bloggers in the whole world".

We're all out of high school.. hopefully!

Gee, that felt good! :)



Posted by: Chani | Jul 1, 2007 4:01:22 AM

I'm going to start by picking on my good friend Jack for the title he selected:

I appreciate the compliments and the attention, but FWIW my blog's name is:

Random thoughts- Do they have meaning?

While you ruminate upon that I'll engage my own inner musings and agree that there are far superior names.

I started it on a lark and never thought that I would keep it. My other blog has a much better title.

Overall I agree with virtually everything you have written. That is the beauty of experience. I can look back and see endless numbers of mistakes.

The burning question is have we learned from them and acted accordingly.

Posted by: Jack | Jul 1, 2007 5:50:57 AM

mochassid... I'm not talking about programming here. Even blogger gives you the ability to go in and change your color and layout from a bunch of pull-down menus.

dfb1968... And you've been holding back on JB lines because...?

Shira Salamone... It's called WYSIWYG. Look into it! :-)

Irina... What? And change your train/aqua-duct theme?! NEVER!

a. ... Your agreement is noted. :-)

Matt... At first I thought your comment was sort of odd being so out of context and such. But after you tried to post the exact same comment on several other posts I have to wonder what your agenda is. Please don't use my comment board as your own private grinding stone.

JoeSettler ... Clearly I don't care. :-)

antares... The ten minutes it took you to formulate your reply to Matt is ten minutes you will never get back. Wasted time. He isn't a reader, just a cut-and-paste-poster. Thanks for the effort, though.

Chani... Yes, how did I miss that? I HATE black backgrounds and white letters!

Jack... Oh yeah, because 'do they have meaning' really sets you apart! :-) Seriously, your success as a blogger is IN SPITE of your name... not because of it. :-)

Posted by: treppenwitz | Jul 2, 2007 12:53:57 PM

Seriously, your success as a blogger is IN SPITE of your name... not because of it. :-)

I hear you. If there is an easy way and a hard way to do things you can be sure that 80 percent of the time I'll pick the hard way.

Posted by: Jack | Jul 2, 2007 6:41:03 PM

"if the content sucks, no amount of lipstick is going to make the pig look more attractive'

Now that's funny!

Posted by: lipstick loving porcine | Jul 6, 2007 6:43:26 AM

Fine. i listened to you, and created a header for myself. Now, I gotta figure out how to manipulate the html without changing the template.

Posted by: Shevy | Jul 8, 2007 7:45:34 PM

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