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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

In search of a banana monkey

[This post can be blamed almost entirely on the current heat wave we are experiencing here in Israel.  Sanity will (hopefully) return when the weather breaks.]

Yesterday I put up a guest post over at The Muqata (Jameel is on an enforced break having been chased away from his 'puter by his wife) with a couple of my favorite cold beverage suggestions to beat the heat.

Almost as soon as I'd finished posting it I wandered over to Le Blog D'Elisson and noticed that he'd posted an enticing description of the tropical drinks he and his wife (SWMBO) had tippled while on vacation recently in Mexico (including a recipe for something called a Negroni Cocktail). 

As most of you know, I'm no stranger to tropical drinks... especially those of the umbrella variety.  But I have to admit that, in addition to being unfamiliar with the above-mentioned Negroni Cocktail... I'd never heard of one of the other drinks Elisson mentioned; A Banana Monkey.

The description immediately caught my eye:  "[an] indulgent tropical drink made with bananas, chocolate syrup, and Kahlua. I would order mine with an additional shot or two of rum."

Oh sweet jeebus... a drink that contains all three major food groups?!  How did I manage to miss this one in college?!  I'm obviously not counting the 4th food group - meat products - here since that constitutes more of a snack catagory than an actual food group.

Anyway... I immediately set about scouring the Web for a reliable recipe and came up with a startling variety. Some of them even omitted [gasp] chocolate syrup!

Anyway, If you didn't catch it here way back when, you can wander over to The Muqata and pick up a nifty tip I offered on how to keep the ice from diluting your ice coffee.  As a bonus, I even posted the official recipe for treppenwitz's Ersatz Kahlua.

As to the whole Banana Monkey thing... there are way too many variations out there to pick just one for inclusion here.  But you can bet I'm gonna work my way through the most promising ones.


Posted by David Bogner on June 27, 2007 | Permalink


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Bananas and chocolate syrup in an alcoholic beverage, and people have had the temerity to question my masculinity?

I do grant you that it sounds like the beginning of a great topping for ice cream, though. Please provide a complete, dated data collection notebook with your final published research results.

Posted by: efrex | Jun 27, 2007 3:20:56 PM

efrex... G-d forbid! I never questioned your masculinity. Not once. It was your sexual orientation that had me stumped for so long! In fact, if I hadn't met your lovely wife in person and seen photographic proof that you two had actually, well, 'consummated' the deal with a kid... I'd still probably be undecided about you. But your masculinity? Unquestioned. :-)

Posted by: treppenwitz | Jun 27, 2007 3:28:46 PM

Erm... ahem.... ummmmm... Efrex?

I certainly hope you weren't casting doubt on Trep's masculinity.....

If so.... let me just dispel THAT myth....

[cough, cough]

Posted by: zahava | Jun 27, 2007 5:07:27 PM

oh wow. Chooooooocolate. Banaaaaanas. Kaluuuuuha. (all said with the Homer Simpson voice).

That sounds wonderful.

I WISH we were having a heat wave! Here north of Seattle, it can't make up its mind if it wants to be summer or winter.

Posted by: Maya | Jun 27, 2007 6:46:31 PM

i love the coffee/tea tip.
i may have to use that in a friday tip-o-day (with credits of course)

Posted by: weese | Jun 27, 2007 6:54:44 PM

banana monkey sounds really tasty, although given our current unbelievable heatwave, i prefer light, cool and tart -- thinking seabreeze, long island iced tea, mint julep...

Posted by: nikki | Jun 27, 2007 7:42:06 PM

OK, folks, enough with the sissy drinks. It's Glenlivet Archive, either neat or on the rocks, your choice.

Once you start talking chocolate and bananas, you're having dessert, not a cocktail.

Posted by: dfb1968 | Jun 27, 2007 9:15:37 PM

Cold brewed coffee recipe from NYTimes:


Posted by: Abbi | Jun 27, 2007 10:02:21 PM

Do we like our alcohol just a little too much now?

And I'm with efrex on this one; I thought you were a real "grownup" when it came to this.

Posted by: tnspr569 | Jun 28, 2007 2:11:29 AM

The Banana Monkey (basically a jacked-up Piña Colada) is purely a Vacation Drink, to be consumed (ideally) while floating in a swimming pool. It's not a serious tipple.

The Negroni, on the other hand...

Posted by: Elisson | Jun 28, 2007 2:33:39 AM

What about iced tea w/ nana???

Has anyone tried the cold brewed coffee?

Posted by: Marjorie | Jun 28, 2007 4:28:15 AM

Somewhere in the back of my liquor closet I still have the bottle of Bogner Kahlua I inherited the Shabbat before you made aliyah. I wonder if it's still good? I think I'll go try it right now...

Posted by: The Maggid | Jun 28, 2007 7:44:17 AM

David, my friend. You are far too learned a man to be writing absurdities like "Negroni Cocktails". It's like writing "Manhattan Cocktails" or "Martini Cocktails". There is that paragon of cocktails known as the Negroni, in it's glorious ruby radiance. Surely this is what you mean.

Posted by: christopher | Jun 28, 2007 9:36:41 AM

How about a good icewine from the Golan Heights Winery? Mmm, wine :-)

Posted by: amechad | Jun 28, 2007 11:33:17 AM

zahava... Uh, honey... that [cough cough] at the end might lead some people to think you were being sarcastic. I'm just sayin'.

Maya... and I could go for a rain shower just about now. :-)

weese... Of course, feel free!

Nikki... When I read "i prefer light, cool and tart ", a picture of Christina Aguilera pop into my head, but I agree those are all good choices too. :-)

dfb1968... Now, now... let's not toss out all the model trains, boats and planes just because we've grown up. Sure it's fun to play with the real things but the toys are still fun too.

Abbi... See that people? That's a loyal reader! Abbi didn't show up empty handed. Take a lesson from this... it's always nice to bring something to the table. :-)

tnspr569... Sorry, I don't equate a sweet-tooth with not being grown up. Since when do grown-ups have to swear off tasty things?

Elisson... OK, agreed. But I reserve the right to take mini-vacations close to home... two or three times a month. :-)

Marjorie... My lovely wife likes to keep a pitcher of that in the fridge.

The Maggid... The stuff doesn't go bad so all I can say is: Enjoy!

christopher... I agree. The only excuse I can offer is that I was trying to be true to the way Elisson wrote it on his post.

amechad... We've actually been making pitchers of Sangria recently which is quite refreshing on a hot shabbat!

Posted by: treppenwitz | Jun 28, 2007 2:56:21 PM

I wouldn't presume to vouch for Trep's masculinity...it's bad enough to say that we met on the Internet.

But I can vouch for his "grown-up" taste in beverages, since we bonded over a mutual love of bourbon in the early days of our friendship. No one can call bourbon a sissy drink.

Posted by: Cara | Jun 28, 2007 11:02:14 PM

niki - what's wrong with dessert?
Anyway, as my son (he's three) would say,
"mmm, kofi!"

Posted by: Kol Ra'ash Gadol | Jun 29, 2007 2:10:25 AM

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