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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
In which Zahava never lets David go anywhere alone, ever again.
Anyone who has ever traveled abroad for work... especially to developing countries... can attest to the fact that there is little glamour and even less time for playing tourist (much less relaxation). 14 hour work days are the norm and no matter how carefully you arrange your schedule something will happen nearly every day requiring that you reshuffle your plans.
However, despite the fact that I miss my wife and family more than words can describe and I never sleep well when away from them... there is something to be said for the hotels where they put us up. Obviously security is a primary concern, but with added security comes a certain level of, um, luxury, that doesn't take much getting used to.
For instance, the hotel where I am staying here in Goa is actually a large compound that was litereally carved from the jungle along a huge stretch of beach. Rather than being one large building, the resort is made up of dozens of smaller buildings that are connected by bridges and raised paths through the jungle. Fresh water pools, waterfalls and scenery out of "The Jungle Book' is all one sees in every direction.
The rooms are set apart from one another and each is a self-contained building surrounded on three sides by water.
Off to one side is the essential work area.
On the other side of the room is the entrance to the bath 'suite' (no joke)!
Yes, that pit you see in the background is actually the bathtub. You walk down three steps to get into it, and the number of people it can accommodate would probably be illegal to attempt in most places. Set into the ceiling is one of those giant shower heads that makes it feel like you are in a huge rainstorm... and next to the tub is a big dish of fragrant flower petals.
On the other side of the room is a set of glass doors that lead out onto a big covered balcony overlooking the pools and the jungle. When I opened the drapes to take this picture several monkeys scurried off into the night.
Don't worry honey... I'll try to take you with me on my next trip. :-)
Posted by David Bogner on January 24, 2007 | Permalink
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Wow...VERY nice!
Posted by: Sara K | Jan 24, 2007 5:16:39 PM
Take me with you on what next trip? - Zahava (just kidding, it is not her)
Posted by: Iris | Jan 24, 2007 5:18:15 PM
Too bad you have to suffer along without Zahava. I'm sure it would be much better with your wife . . . especially if you had to time to enjoy your surroundings.
Posted by: Tim | Jan 24, 2007 5:29:20 PM
When I opened the drapes to take this picture several monkeys scurried off into the night.
Anyplace with monkeys sounds good to me.
Posted by: Jack | Jan 24, 2007 5:58:30 PM
I thought you were going to comment on how wonderful it is to have a bed to yourself.
For me, As much as I love my husband, I savor those times when he's away and I can hog the bed and covers all for myself.
Posted by: jaime | Jan 24, 2007 9:44:29 PM
Yeah if I were Zahava I wouldn't let you go anywhere alone again.
I am in awe over that tub!
Posted by: orieyenta | Jan 24, 2007 10:43:35 PM
You'll have to let us know what house arrest is like... :)
Posted by: Ezzie | Jan 25, 2007 3:37:58 AM
Nice digs, man- Mowgli never had it so good!
Posted by: RR | Jan 25, 2007 12:07:46 PM
Can you share the name of this resort? I've never had a hankering to see Goa until I saw these pictures....WOW!
Posted by: aliyah06 | Jan 25, 2007 3:26:44 PM
I don't know about you, but I have found that ever since I got married, a pleasure unshared is very much diminished.
Posted by: Barzilai | Jan 26, 2007 4:00:06 PM
"...and I never sleep well when away from them"
C'mon, Dave. YOU can sleep well anywhere anyhow. Period. End of subject. I've seen you fall out on a couch with your family and kids all around you. With kids climbing all over you and screaming! It's a talent!
Posted by: val | Jan 26, 2007 5:04:53 PM
"C'mon, Dave. YOU can sleep well anywhere anyhow. Period. End of subject. I've seen you fall out on a couch with your family and kids all around you. With kids climbing all over you and screaming! It's a talent!"
It's a skill he probably acquired in the Navy. You get sleep when you can, even in a noisy berthing compartment.
Posted by: K Newman | Jan 26, 2007 5:54:27 PM
There you Goa again, but with Zahava.
Posted by: Bob | Jan 26, 2007 9:49:38 PM
I have only 2 words to say to Zahava. Club Med.The one in Eilat. The only kosher one in the world.(and the only hotel in Israel with 3 fabulous buffet meals a day. Make him promise to take you. Been there. You'll plotz.
Posted by: Marsha in Englewood | Nov 11, 2008 12:55:39 AM
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