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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Elaborate exculpation or lame excuses... you be the judge

I really apologize for the lack of posting and for my woeful performance in responding to your comments lately.  Here are some reasons (pick any that sound plausible):

a) Family Time 1: I've been spending time with my parents that would normally be spent online.

b) Family time 2: The big kids off from school for Hanukkah all last week. 'Nuff said.

c) Poor equipment: I lent Gilad's clunky desktop computer to my parents for their apartment... so he hijacked my beloved wide-screen Mac G4 Powerbook, leaving me with a borrowed IBM Thinkpad that is perfectly suited (IMHO) to serve as a doorstop.

d) Professional obligations: Preparations for an imminent business trip abroad have found me in the 5th or 6th level of Powerpoint and Excel hell during my 'free time' when I would normally be responding to your thoughtful comments, writing new posts or taking pictures for Photo Friday.

e) Looking back:  Late December is when I started treppenwitz 3 years ago.  This time of year always gets me nostalgic for my early days of blogging/journaling.  Don't get me wrong... I love that the Blogoshpere has blossomed the way it has.  But I miss the 'golden age' of blogging  when there weren't quite so many of us doing this.  Nostalgia has its place in the creative process... but looking in the rear-view mirror can sometimes impede forward progress.

f) Fitting in:  It may sound strange as an excuse, but looking back at my first couple of years keeping up treppenwitz I see that I was much more attuned to cultural peculiarities and 'new immigrant moments'.  I guess it's a good sign that I don't notice this stuff much any more... but it certainly removes a whole genre of potential post topics.

Happy Sunday all... and thanks for another great year.


Posted by David Bogner on December 24, 2006 | Permalink


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all excellent excuses Trepp...congrats on 3 years of wonderful writing.

Posted by: cruisin-mom | Dec 24, 2006 10:29:17 AM

IBM Thinkpad that is perfectly suited (IMHO) to serve as a doorstop.


*stares at her Thinkpad screen...*


Posted by: Account Deleted | Dec 24, 2006 12:17:38 PM

You are definitely excused. Even just one of these reasons would be justified. Besides the cooking and chauffering you had to do for your Thursday night company :)

Posted by: Essie | Dec 24, 2006 1:03:07 PM

Mazel tov on your three-year anniversary. Let us know if you will be coming to our corner of the Ultra Galut. We can feed you, thereby returning the favor.

Posted by: rutimizrachi | Dec 24, 2006 5:08:33 PM

f) Fitting in: It may sound strange as an excuse, but looking back at my first couple of years keeping up treppenwitz I see that I was much more attuned to cultural peculiarities and 'new immigrant moments'. I guess it's a good sign that I don't notice this stuff much any more... but it certainly removes a whole genre of potential post topics.

We are all waiting to see when the posts change from 'this could only happen in Israel' to 'stupid olim don't know anything about life in Israel...' ; )

Posted by: Chedva | Dec 24, 2006 5:52:21 PM

cruisin-mom... Very sweet of you to zero in on the only positive note. :-)

a. ... You know how I feel about the evil empire of Micro$oft. I am still floored that someone as creative as you is still over there on the dark side. Come towards the light...

Essie... I still can't believe we actually got to meet the prolific 'Essie! :-)

rutimizrachi... Careful... invitations that include food are rarely left unaccepted for long. :-)

Chedva... You have no idea how many of those I've deleted already! the difference between me and a Sabra is I think all those things about the new arrivals but refrain from saying them out loud out of respect for how green I was not too long ago. :-)

Posted by: treppenwitz | Dec 24, 2006 6:43:58 PM

I used to be very anti-Windows but then I got a PC and things changed.

Although I still consider going back to the Mac life I had. It is well over 10 years so it has become a much bigger deal to switch.

Posted by: Jack | Dec 24, 2006 7:01:49 PM

You mean the new immigrant moments will eventually pass??? I guess I better start looking for new material now.

Posted by: Benji | Dec 24, 2006 8:37:10 PM

Hi David AKA Trep,

No worries... Real Life TM always seems to intervene when we want to blog and other such diversions...

Good to see that you have your priorities straight... family first.

Thought about you the other day ago when I saw this Christmas video:


It's posted on my blog... check it out if you get a chance.

All the best to you and yours!


Posted by: Maksim-Smelchak | Dec 24, 2006 10:14:14 PM

Hey, we (your stateside cronies) celebrated chag breakfast a day early today....you were missed and thought of, we each ate an extra pancake or five in your honor....

Posted by: Shmiel | Dec 24, 2006 10:23:23 PM

Congratulations on your blogiversary! : )

Spending time with family is DEFINITELY more important than blogging - so I'm glad to hear you've got your priorities straight! : )

As far as the "golden age of blogging", I feel like the expansion of the J-blogosphere is actually a good thing. Back when it was small, it was much more cliquish, and it was much more difficult for a slightly atypical blogger to fit. Now the categories seem to merge, and there are so many J-bloggers of all levels of observance,professionalism, age, etc. interacting with one another, that new bloggers probably have an easier time meeting new people and fitting in.

Posted by: Irina | Dec 25, 2006 5:36:08 AM

*whispers* I have to agree with you on (c).

And you know, you should never apologize for having spent more time with your family than the blogsphere. We'll get over it.

Posted by: Fran Edwards | Dec 25, 2006 8:45:57 PM

Come towards the light...

Last time I heard someone utter this proposition, I found myself slamming the front door into the faces of these Watchtower people.

Are you sure there aren't darker forces at work here?


Posted by: Account Deleted | Dec 26, 2006 6:17:08 PM

Your nostalgia for the good-old days of blogging is reminiscent of comments I've heard from people in Colorado. Seems Colorado used to be a wonderful place before it got so overcrowded. If you should hazard to ask any of these residents of this former paradise where they were born, they'll invariably answer proudly, "Texas!"

Posted by: Bob | Dec 27, 2006 5:45:31 AM

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