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Friday, May 12, 2006

Gone fishing

OK, not really... but there won't be a Photo Friday today just the same.

I had a full day of messing around with my bees... building new hive boxes and frames and installing the honey supers to gather the summer nectar which my little buzzing friends will turn into yummy honey.

When I was done with that I had to go into Jerusalem and pick up Chayyei Sarah who is joining us for Shabbat.

The net result of all this busy-ness is that you guys get the short end of the stick.

Sorry... maybe I'll post some pictures during the week to make it up to you.

Shabbat Shalom.

Posted by David Bogner on May 12, 2006 | Permalink


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Hope Chayyei Sarah enjoys Chez Treppenwitz!

Posted by: val | May 12, 2006 6:34:50 PM

oh and Shabbat Shalom, all! ;)

Posted by: val | May 12, 2006 6:36:11 PM

Trepp, how dare you take a day off from your duties here in blogland. But I guess we'll forgive you. (just this once)

Posted by: Randi(cruisin-mom) | May 12, 2006 7:29:03 PM

Shabbat Shalom, and have fun!

Posted by: Irina | May 12, 2006 7:50:01 PM

Shabbat Shalom! She sounds so interesting on her blog, I'm sure she's even better in person.

Posted by: Essie | May 12, 2006 8:18:08 PM

I had a great Shabbat! Thanks to you and Zahava for having me over!

Zahava, please email me with the recipe for the beets, chicken, bon bons, peach tort, and carrot-coconut soup. Especially the beets. They were AMAZING.


PS Tell Ariella thanks for letting me read her books.

Posted by: Sarah | May 13, 2006 10:15:13 PM

Better yet, just post the recipes here for all of us to enjoy.
I keep reading about yummy food and sweet honey, limoncello, baked goods in the freezer, hand ground coffee. I am so coming to introduce myself when I am in Israel this summer. I am sure Rachel will give me a good reference ; )

Posted by: Chedva | May 14, 2006 4:33:51 AM

I feel funny about posting the recipes (copyright laws and all!) so I will just list the recipes and the books I got them from:

Roasted Beet Salad (from "Kosher by Design Entertains")

Carrot Coconut Vichyssoise (from "Kosher by Design Entertains")

Chocolate Truffles (from "Kosher by Design Entertains")

Artichoke Chicken (from "Kosher by Design")

Fresh Peach or Plum Torte (from "Kosher by Design")

For anyone who cares -- I have all three Susie Fishbein cookbooks (the first being "The Kosher Palette") and although they are hardly the ONLY cookbooks I use on a regular basis, they are certainly among the best! They boast clear instructions are usually easy, and even if my family doesn't always like what I've made everyone agrees that it is more an issue of personal taste rather than the fault of the recipe. Hence, I (and several friends) have come to call this particular trilogy "The Old Testament," "The New Testament," and "The Gospel!"

Posted by: zahava | May 14, 2006 4:56:33 PM

Val... What's not to like? :-)

Randi... The journal works for me... not the other way around. :-)

Irina... Thanks.

Essie... Nah, she's actually a little nutty and lives with about 53 cats and collects take-out menus as a hobby [just checking to see if Sarah actually reads the comments here]. :-)

Sarah... Oh, hi! I guess you DO read the comment. Whoops. :-)

Chedva... Get you to a book store and buy the cookbooks my wife has named below. They will put smiles on your faces and inches on your waistline. Trust me. :-)

Posted by: treppenwitz | May 14, 2006 5:18:38 PM

Has named above.... :-P

Posted by: zahava | May 14, 2006 6:26:26 PM

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