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Friday, March 04, 2005
Photo Friday (Vol. XVII) [Making Amends]
I know, I know... Don't say it. Just remember, however much it annoyed you to show up here every day this week and find bupkes waiting for you... that's nothing compared to how much I missed writing!
I actually sat down and wrote several short, but interesting, entries. But did my dad's iMac let me publish them? I think we know the answer to that one, don't we?
Today's eclectic collection of photos spans the week from last Friday to this.
Last Friday Zahava and I took the kids and the dog up to Givat HaTurmusim. For those of you who weren't around last year when I explained what this is, go here. We ran into quite a few people we knew while we were up there (some by accident and some by design). We even got to have a pleasant bite to eat with Dave (of Israelly cool) and his family.
Here are some shots of this lovely setting:
First up are a group of the Lupine flowers that give Givat HaTurmusim its name:
Here is Yonah eating a yogurt (or at least playing with it). And yes... the same people who select the fabric and color schemes for the Egged bus seats also designed Yonah's outfit!
Saturday evening I flew to the states for my speaking tour in the New York / Connecticut areas. I almost missed my flight, but thanks to a little luck and the patience of my lovely wife, I managed to get on the plane.
While in the US I stayed with my parents in Westport, and I discovered that it is still quite wintery!
I drove through a neat blizzard to see my old high school classmate and blogdaughter Weese (and here lovely wife). Not only did they make me feel welcome in their beautiful home, but I got to meet many of the characters who regularly appear on Weese's blog, including Ferris (their charming and funny son) and Riggs (the free dog). A good time was had by all (and I didn't even track up the kitchen with my snowy shoes!).
On another evening this week I got to step out with Mr. & Mrs. Efrex (Orthodox Jewish Straight Theater Queen). I have corresponded with these warm and funny people and we knew several people in common... but we had never met before. All I can say is that if these two can ever manage to tear themselves away from the piano bars and musical theater scene... Israel (and we) will be the richer for their presence.
This morning I took some pictures at my parent's house so you could all see what a beautiful view they live with.
These are some shots from my parent's bedroom window. What you are seeing is the mill pond behind their house. A mill pond is a tidal pond that is fed by the ocean... filling at high tide and emptying out at low tide. in the old days the house next door was actually a working mill and the water rushing in and out of the pond turned a wheel that operated the mill. Before we moved to Israel, we lived 15 minutes away from my parents and we often took the kids canoeing out on the mill pond.:
The view from the front of their house is of the ocean (actually Long Island Sound), and is every bit as beautiful as the view of the mill pond in the back. In the summer the tide goes out so far that we would take the kids and dogs out for long walks on the tidal flats... collecting shells and watching hermit crabs scurrying in the shallow puddles.
However, these shots were taken close to high tide... and of course it's winter (in case you forgot):
Two more days and I'll be back in Israel... thawing out my fingers and toes, and catching up on some long overdue kisses.
Shabbat Shalom!
Posted by David Bogner on March 4, 2005 | Permalink
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Gorgeous. (Especially Yonah.) My week is complete. Shabbat shalom.
Posted by: Doctor Bean | Mar 4, 2005 9:00:21 AM
Very funny about Yonah's coat. We have an Israeli-made baby bassinet with bizarre (and ugly and loud and colorful) fabric on it. One day while out on a walk, we saw a car with the same fabric for its seats. I think it's worse for the car owners, though, since noone except the baby has to look at our version of the fabric, and he certainly isn't taking it around town or out on dates.
Shabbat shalom - and thanks for posting the photos early enough so I could enjoy them with my Friday a.m. coffee!!
Posted by: Wolicki Family | Mar 4, 2005 9:17:34 AM
Ani mitgagaat el hanof hazeh! Gam ani mitgagaat el horim shelcha! Aval, b'emet, nimas li lehiyot mikurar!
B'simcha, anachnu nechakeh l'agiyah shelacha, v'rotzim l'chamem otcha! ;-)
ha mishpacha shelcha!
Posted by: zahava | Mar 4, 2005 10:56:30 AM
David, what great colours and what a beautiful landscape. I'd prefer this to our overcrowded city. Say hello to Yonah and a good trip back.
Shabbat Shalom
Posted by: sandra | Mar 4, 2005 12:28:23 PM
Somehow the snow doesnt look so pristine on 77th and Amsterdam!
Posted by: shabtai | Mar 4, 2005 1:40:11 PM
The visit was FABulous. So glad you braved the blizzard. Riggs the Free Dog misses you.
And Zahava you will be proud to know...He wiped his feet three times and then removed his shoes.
Posted by: lisa | Mar 4, 2005 2:16:12 PM
Nah I'm from Iceland. lupines, colorful skies and snow just isn't exotic for me. I'll wait for next photo Friday :)
Posted by: Maria | Mar 4, 2005 2:20:32 PM
Doctor Bean... Happy to help. Shabbat Shalom to you as well.
Wolicki Family... I'm pleased that I was able to not only strike a chord with your fashion sense... but also provide material for your morning read. I wish I knew what kind of drug addict is was that was dreaming up these color schemes!
Zahava... Gam ani. :-)
Sandra... Thanks (although I'm starting to get tired of the white stuff). I will send your regards to Yonah.
Shabtai... At 77th and Amsterdam the snow is brown and gray when it falls!
Lisa... I'm glad you backd up my story because she would have always had her doubts. :-)
Maria... You're a hard woman to please... but then what woman isn't?
Posted by: David | Mar 4, 2005 5:14:55 PM
Lupine in Israel? How do I move there again? BTW, the book The Source is really fun. Thanks for the rec.
Posted by: Alice | Mar 4, 2005 6:09:35 PM
And poppies?!
Posted by: Alice | Mar 4, 2005 6:11:46 PM
Ah, you know we got together just so's I could get a featured link to my blog :). Now, if I only could put some content in there...
D'rishat shalom le'mishpachat treppenwitz. B'ezrat hash-m, anu niru etchem biz'man karov... Todah rabbah al hahalva'ah shel habaal veabba shel'chem!
Posted by: efrex | Mar 4, 2005 8:12:41 PM
Looks pretty, but I still prefer sun to snow. :)
Posted by: Jack | Mar 4, 2005 11:06:55 PM
I am looking for some help. I have two friends from my days of living in Israel: Rebecca Halperin Ohana and Nina Halperin (forgot her married name) who I believe live in Efrat. Rabecca has a daughter, Vivi, and Nina has 4 children, Uziel, Shararit, and 2 more whose names escape me at the moment. I would appreciate any information you or your community might have that would help me to locate them. I am planning a trip to Israel in December for my son's bar mitzvah and would love to catch up with Rebecca and Nina.
Thanks for your help,
Mindy Reiss Nitkin
Posted by: Mindy Reiss Nitkin | Mar 5, 2005 3:50:00 PM
Dudu: :-) Y'aish li nishikah bishvilcha!
Efrex: B'vakasha! Anacnhu nesamech l'rot otchem! Efshar otchem tishaeru etzlenu b'nisatchem? Yaish lanu chadar-oreach.
Posted by: zahava | Mar 5, 2005 9:22:59 PM
PS -- I am not so good at this transliteration thing: b'nisiyatchem!
Posted by: zahava | Mar 5, 2005 9:24:52 PM
Baruch Ha-Bah! Welcome home!
Posted by: jennifer | Mar 6, 2005 12:13:51 PM
Welcome home! start blogging again!
Posted by: Maria | Mar 8, 2005 12:51:57 AM
Posted by: mademoiselle a. | Mar 8, 2005 4:43:18 PM
I see you have a mademoiselle a. that goes ping.
Wonderful pictures, as always. I'm jealous of both views. We're stuck in the grey in-between, here. Good to have you back.
Posted by: Tanya | Mar 9, 2005 1:57:33 AM
hi dave - thanks for showing me the blog. i'm hooked. all the best to you, zahava, & the kids, love, stacey
Posted by: stacey | Mar 14, 2005 5:54:19 AM
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