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Sunday, September 05, 2004

The Blogfather

I’m still stumbling across new terminology associated with blogging, and the people who engage in this very public form of narcissism. I’ve riffed briefly on blog crushes and blog envy… but I recently heard a new term; blogfather, used in reference to, um, me!

I have been in touch for years (on and off) with someone who has become one of my favorite morning reads. Even stranger is the fact that we actually went to high school together… same graduating class and everything, yet we had never met… until a couple of weeks ago. While my family and I were in the states, I had the pleasure of hosting the charming and talented Lisa/Weese (along with her equally charming and talented significant other) for drinks.

Anyway, Lisa insists I’m her blogfather... meaning that I inspired her to start blogging. She even wrote some nonsense on her site about me giving her tips about blogging etiquette and such. Yeah… and Salvador Dali used to call me up for painting advice.

Well, I’m not going to demand a paternity test or anything… mostly because the period just before Lisa began blogging is a bit fuzzy. But based on the high quality of the writing and the cool layout, I’m fairly sure I’m in the clear as far as child support goes. ;-)

In the past I’ve acknowledged my own blogfathers (Chuck & Steve) several times (although I didn’t know the actual term). Their famous road trip to hang up a payphone in the middle of the Mojave Desert started me down the slippery slope of reading, and finally writing, online. Oh, by the way… my wife says thanks a whole heck-of-a-lot for that!

All these years later… while I’m still a relative neophyte in the blogging/journaling community… I’m tickled that someone would stoop to claim me as their blogfather... And I'm filled with pride that the ‘child’ has already far surpassed the ‘parent’.

Posted by David Bogner on September 5, 2004 | Permalink


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David, I'm proud to be your "blogfather" (and unreasonably amused at the term). The apple has fallen far from the tree -- you've left me in your dust.

Posted by: Chuck | Sep 5, 2004 8:16:24 AM

Blogs can be nothing more than a narcissistic outlet as well as an unique insight into the lives and experiences of people you might not ever encounter.

I really think that it can be quite educational. Although there seem to be many that are just nightmarishly boring. Here is hoping that I am not among them.


Posted by: Jack | Sep 6, 2004 3:56:34 AM

Chuck... kinda gives new meaning to the term 'who's your daddy?', doesn't it. :-)

Posted by: David | Sep 6, 2004 4:48:33 PM


Posted by: Lisa | Sep 7, 2004 2:45:39 PM

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